Sunday, November 16, 2008

1 down, 2 to go...

thanksgiving dinners that is. We officially kicked off Thanksgiving last night with Kip's side of the family tree. I have to admit, after a slow and uneventful day at work it was nice to relax and enjoy some good adult well as food! The kiddos were worn out by the time we got home and were super easy to get to bed. Speaking of kids, Thayer inherited a new bed from some friends of ours. He is now sleeping in a big twin daybed and their room is much more open w/0 the crib. My baby is definately not a baby anymore:(.

Monday, November 3, 2008

My Workout....

this is what takes place in my house when I try to do a workout video and both kids are up. It looks pretty chaotic, but before Kip got the camera they were actually both doing the moves with me. We could not quite laughing, mainly at the fact that our kids were entertaining themselves by doing squats, lunges, and some cardio. That's what we call quality family time at our house:)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Busy weekend

Some trick or treating at the grandparents kicked off our weekend of family fun. Saturday unfortunately I worked as well as KSU losing to KU. We did get some visitors...Aunt Meg and her friend Adam. Took the kids to the park and ended our evening eating Chipotle and watching the Texas/Tech game. Ashley, Meg's friend, brought her son, Tyson over for a visit and the kids did not want them to go. They adore babies, especially Thayer, he did not want to give him back:) Sunday was church, work, our visitors left and a nice evening walk through campus while daddy was playing catch with the uncles. I can not get over that it's the month of Thanksgiving and we are only 11 weeks away from Christmas!!