Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Wildcat Day

This morning Linley attended the Classy Cat Dance Clinic and thoroughly enjoyed herself! She is definately more outgoing than Kip & I. The clinic started at 830am and then they performed for the parents at 1030am. The group also performed during the KSU Women's Basketball halftime show. Kip and I were lucky to have been given his stepdad's tickets and had exceptional seats. Unfortunately both he and Carol were unable to attend so it couldn't have worked out any better for us. We all had a fabulous time and the women won their game to top it off:) Go Cats!
Linley & Thayer
Kip & Linley @ the game

Linley & I @ the game

Linley & her Classy Cat, Courtney

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Wedding Anniversary

5 years ago Kip and I, along with our families traveled to the Cayman Islands where we exchanged vows. It doesn't seem possible for it to have been 5 years ago already, but it has:) I wouldn't have believed then that we would have 2 kids and neither of us would be working in the careers we began. We have grown up a lot over the years and I look forward to the next 5 years and what it brings us!

Cayman Islands 2003
Family Photo 2008