Saturday, March 28, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Quick Update

Unfortunately I didn't get into any of the Dental Hygiene schools this year; the good news is, I'll be graduating next May from KSU!!! Therefore we won't be moving, which I'm a little sad about but know it's probably for the best. There would have been so many things that would have had to been done prior to moving; selling our house, finishing up some projects at our house, etc. With 2 of my sisters getting married over the summer, it would have been extremely stressful and busy to move. So I'll have a full last year but it will be nice to finally have a degree.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Branson Zoo, The Landing, & Dixie Stampede

The Chateau...our hotel

Branson Trip

Linley showing off her moves
Aunt Lauren and Linley

Nana, Thayer, & Linley

2 cuties @ precious moments chapel
We recently got back from a trip to Branson with my mom and sister, Maeci. The kids had a blast staying at the Chateau and of course we did as well. I can say we are all glad to be back though and look forward to when the kids get a little older to do some more of the activities they offer in Branson.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Tests, quizzes, papers, etc.

School is consuming my life at the moment!! I am currently taking 15 hours and am feeling overwhelmed. We are all looking forward to when I am officially done with school. There are definately days when I wonder what I was thinking. All the juggling that goes on in our household can become quite exhausting, especially come Friday. Thankfully I will be getting a well deserved break come next week, thanks to Spring Break.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Linley turned 4!

This past Saturday, Linley turned 4. She is definately not a baby anymore and is growing up so fast. It doesn't seem possible that 4 years have passed, but they have. She is doing so well in preschool, and is such a great big sister to her brother. We started Saturday with pancakes and then it was time to make the cake:) I did her cake this year and enjoyed her help in decorating. At 3:30 we had her family party, but she was definately more concerned with opening up her presents! She got a lot of fabulous gifts. We finished the day with some girl time with my mom and sisters at the mall. Unfortunately Sunday after church I wound up getting what Linley and Kip had Thursday. Not fun, since I was forced to miss her friend party we threw for her at Gymnastics Plus. My mom and sisters did the butterfly and ladybug cupcakes that turned out terrific. Linley said she thoroughly enjoyed her party and was thankful for all of her wonderful gifts her friends got her. Kip did a great job in getting everything there and filling in for me, since I wasn't even able to get out of bed. What a weekend. In another month Thayer and I will be celebrating our birthdays...can't wait to see what we come up with for his birthday. I think I will go back to our regular cake gal though.