Sunday, May 24, 2009

Weekend with Friends

The kids helped their good friend Kaden celebrate his 4th birthday Saturday morning. Boy did they have a blast...there was delicious dinosaur cake, beautiful weather, a dinosaur pinata, and yummy pizza. We had a great time and were able to visit with some great friends.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


This is where Linley spent most of her time while we were visiting my parents. Such a good caretaker.


Thayer loves to chew bubblegum, granted his colors are a bit off.

Puppy love

Friday, May 15, 2009

School's out for summer....

Linley's last day of school. She has grown so much over this past year, intellectually and maturity. We are soo proud!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

My 2 beautiful blessings. I hope every mother enjoys their special day.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

TeddyBear Tea Party

Before her fun makeover

After hair & makeup

The finished product! We had a great time attending the Tea Party that was put on this Mother's Day weekend. There were so many little girls there enjoying being pampered. Linley even got her picture taken on the runway to put in her frame she made.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Rolling Hills Refuge

We headed out bright and early with our friends, the Dunlaps, and took the kids to the Salina Rolling Hills Refuge. It was perfect weather and most of the animals were out and about. Finished up our trip with some good food and a quick trip to the mall.

Wanted: Sibling??

Our kids desperately want a sibling...not in this lifetime:) They are both rather sweet though with our friends baby, Shaylee...Thayer asks repeatedly to hold her.