Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wedding Mania

This past Friday my sister, Alison, married her high school sweetheart. It was the most beautiful wedding I have been to in a long time. Linley was an absolute beauty as the flower girl and Thayer looked all grown up in his tux. We had a fantastic time visiting with family and enjoying the festivities. Dustin and Ali headed to Cancun yesterday and are probably destressing from wedding stuff.
We also had my mom's family reunion the same weekend. Let's just say there were many late nights, plenty of drinks, and endless conversation. I was completely exhausted yesterday; my weekend finally caught up with me. Linley had a blast playing with cousins she hadn't seen since she was born and Thayer warmed up to everyone the last day...of course:)
We have 3 more weddings to attend this summer and Linley is in 2, Thayer is in 1. A very busy time I must say. I am singing in a friends this coming month and then my sister, Megan gets married Aug. 1st. The weeks are flying by so fast for us this summer. Pics to come from all of our outings this past weekend.

Happy Early 4th!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

More Playground Pics

We took the kids last Sunday to the new splash park. Unfortunately it wasn't quite warm enough, but they did enjoy themselves on the playground. Prior to the park we took them to see the movie, UP (in 3D). It was quite entertaining.

Splashin and Slidin

Monday, June 15, 2009


My sister and her fiance payed us a visit last weekend. The kids absolutely adore them both as well as their dog, Sadie. They got tickled, teased, and spoiled. Thanks for coming up Ali and Dustin!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Our day started off with a trip to city park with our friends the Dunlaps. We then headed home for lunch and naps...lunch happened but the naps never did. That evening we enjoyed a bbq with some more of our great friends. The weather was absolutely perfect and the kids wore themselves out! Granted there were a few tumbles and tears shed, but all in all we had a terrific time. We will miss the Taylor's immensley when they move next month.

BBQ w/ friends

Monday, June 1, 2009

I survived...

a weekend full of bridal showers for my 2 sisters and a rather entertaining bachelorette party in KC. Never have I danced so much, drank little (due to eating zero dinner), while seeing my sister do some pretty crazy things! She was quite the trooper and I have to admit the nipple candy tassels were the perfect touch to her bachelorette attire. Linley thoroughly enjoyed all the attention she received from her 4 wonderful aunts. 3 weeks to go before the wedding, so the countdown is officially in full swing.