Thursday, September 30, 2010

Jackson's party.

Jackson turned 4 this month and we were fortunate enough to help him celebrate in City was a fantastic day regardless of the wind. Thayer loved trying out Jackson's new bike and Linley enjoyed helping organize the opening of the presents. Another treat was Jackson's grandpa took the kids for a spin around City Park in his convertible with the top down!! If Linley could have jumped out of her skin I think she would have and the look on Thayer's face was priceless.

Purple Pride.

I'm a bit behind on my blogs due to schoolwork and busy schedules. We took the kids to their first KSU game of the season a few weekends back. To our surprise they both lasted a lot longer than we anticipated...Linley made it the whole game and even watched the fireworks display with Grandma and Poppy. We hope to make it to some more home games, especially now that both kids enjoy going! These are some pics Uncle Doug took of Linley and I prior to walking over the game. We love those Wildcats!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor day in KC.

Sunday we made last minute plans to head over to KC for Labor Day and take the kids to Deanna Rose, get haircuts from Aunt Ali and visit with my parents and sisters. It was a
quick trip, but well worth the drive. It had been 4 weeks since we had seen baby Paxton and he's grown so much. The kids are smitten with him. Even though it was a bit windy Deanna Rose was enjoyable. Thayer and I caught 2 fish, both kids got to ride a pony and expend some energy before heading to Aunt Meg's for their haircuts from Aunt Ali. Linley went back to her short bob and Thayer looks much more clean cut than shaggy. It's trips like these that make me long to be closer to my family...maybe someday. These are just a few shots from our trip.

KSU Tailgating.

Saturday was KSU's season opener and we had a houseful. There was plenty of food, laughs, washers, kids, and KSU pride. Linley only made it the 1st quarter, so Kip walked her home and she watched the game on TV with Thayer and I. Junk food got the best of her, along with the heat. We've concluded evening games will probably be best for our kiddos. If you didn't happen to catch the game, KSU won which meant everyone was in pleasant moods after the game:) Thayer and I are hopin to make an appearance at this coming weekends game, it will all depend on my homework load!

Purple Power Play.

Thursday night we ventured down to Purple Power Play to kickoff KSU's football season. There was plenty to do, but unfortunately lots of kids...which meant long lines of very impatient kids. We ran into quite a few friends and were able to briefly catch up before being dragged away by our tired children. As much fun as the kids had, I'm not sure we will make the trip back downtown next year due to an embarassing scene while trying to leave. All I can say is it involved 2 very cranky, tired children screaming and yelling all the way to the car. Aye, I could have crawled under any available rock. They both enjoyed the football throw and got to decorate a mini-sized cupcake before devouring.