Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas New Years Day.

Family Photo...with all of us looking at the camera!
(You can kind of see my baby bump)

3 Cousins hamming it up for the camera.


Paxton & Linley watching cartoons together.

Thayer attempting to hold Pax...he's getting so big.

Pretty girls, Linley & Londyn Christmas morning

Trying to get a pic of the cousins in their jammies...Pax was not having any of it

Linley & Thayer are pros at photos...Pax left for his nap

Christmas morning at Papa & Nana's.

Santa brought Linley her Barbie Dream Townhouse!!

Thayer received his remote control car and scooter.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sick bug.

To kick off my Christmas break I caught the stomach flu and was deathly ill for about 2 days. After a diet of popice, crackers, and ginger ale, by Thursday before Christmas I was feeling much better and able to eat a real meal. We headed to Fort Scott on Wednesday to spend Christmas with my family...plenty of games played, naps taken, baby holding, and good 'ol family time was had by all. Santa was extremely generous to the kids this year; Linley received the Barbie dream house she asked for and Thayer got his green remote control car and scooter. Unfortunately Saturday night the sick bug struck again and this time it was Kip who was hit. The kids and I all slept together that night in a different room, hoping Kip could sleep it off. Thanks to my dad coming through on some remedies, Kip was able to make the car ride home Sunday afternoon. Luckily no one else came down with what Kip and I had. I'm pretty sure my mom disinfected her entire house...just in case:) My parents came through and purchased Kip and I a video camera for Christmas...unfortunately I haven't figured out how to upload the pics and videos to my computer. I'm praying I can take the time this week to get it done and will have pics/videos posted from Christmas. Til then nothing new.