Sunday, November 27, 2011

All dressed up.

We attended Kip's cousin Kristian's wedding early in November. The kids enjoyed themselves immensly. Linley cut up a rug on the dance floor and helped Kristian with her dress! Thayer played with all the boys and Kessly snoozed off and on. Unfortunately KSU lost to OSU that night, but we were lucky enought to watch it during the reception.

Cousin time.

and then of course Kessly trying out the exersaucer for the first time.

Pumpkin Patch 2011

Just a tad late in posting these pictures but better late than never! We had a blast at our first trip to this patch in Alma KS. There was plenty of activities for the kids to do along with pumpkins galore. We will definately be making the trip back next year.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

4 months.

How can it be this little addition to our family is already 4 months old. Her disposition is very much like Linley at this age, which makes me think they may have somewhat similiar personalities. She loves her big sister and brother which is very mutual as they are always wanting to hold and love on her first thing every morning. Regardless of her being quite the surprise I can't imagine our lives without her in it.