Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Best Cousins.

Charlee (10.5 mo) and Kessly (8.5 mo) are at the age where their curiosity with one another is so precious to encounter. I look forward to the days where they can confide in one another whether it be to discuss their issues with their moms:) or special hobbies or interests they share. Special future for such special cousins.

Easter 2012.

What a beautiful day to celebrate Jesus saving us so we can have eternal life. It was a day we spent attending church, celebrating birthdays with Kip's family, and just enjoying the spectacular day. It's very rare when we have days lately where we can truly focus on the kids and not be distracted by work or school. I pray everyone else was able to enjoy their loved ones.

April Birthdays!

We were fortunate enough to travel to KC in order to celebrate Thayer's, Dad's, and my birthdays this past weekend. My sister graciously hosted it at her place and pulled off a wonderful low-key family party. Along with celebrating our birthdays we also had an early Easter egg hunt for the kids, which they thoroughly enjoyed. It was nice to focus on family and leave school related stress behind, even if it was for a brief bit. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday gathering, surrounded by those who mean the most!

Park fun.

Kessly's first experience on the slide.
She loves to swing and people watch.

Linley and her good friend Avery.