Tuesday, September 30, 2008

3 Sleepy Heads

So I wasn't going to post this, mainly for the fact that I look so HOT:) I couldn't help myself in the end. Kip caught the kids and I snoozing soundly in Linley's bed; and thanks to his flash, woke me up. I will get him back sometime!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Weekend @ Papa and Nana's

We traveled to my parent's house this past weekend and enjoyed ourselves thoroughly! We got in really late Friday night and the kids slept the whole way, which we were thankful. Saturday we all got our hair done by Aunt Ali (thanks a bunch) and then headed down to Pittsburg to go bowling for Aunt Lauren's bday. Linley was quite the entertainer in b/w turns to bowl. She did fairly well for her first official time bowling all by herself. Thayer kept everyone on their toes and was so exhausted by the time we left that he slept all through dinner. When we finished up we headed to Barto's for a delicious fried chicken meal. Sunday we slept in til 8 and then took to the backyard for some early morning swinging and sliding. Nana set up the butterfly tent for the kids to play in and of course Linley had Thayer helping her dress the Barbies. Of course he found the boys to dress:) Ali, Meg and I went for a run through Gunn Park and then the others met us there for a Subway picnic. Then it was back to the house for some last minute packing and loading the car. Thankfully the kids slept most of the way home and we only had to stop once for bathroom breaks. We got to visit with the grandparents while we were back and the kids were able to interact with them as well. Sure do wish we lived a lot closer:) We can't wait for our next trip down to good ol Fort Scott.

Kip and I at the bowling alley

Future bowler giving it all her might

Thayer playing with sis

Playing in the tent Nana put up.

Dressing the Barbies

Thayer snacking on Fruit Loops
Linley hamming it up while bowling

Ali, Meg, and Lauren celebrating Lauren's bday Papa & Thayer waiting to bowl
Aunt Lauren on Thayer duty

Linley, Thayer, and I doing our strike dance!
The kids dressing up the Barbies. Thayer was
really concerned about Ken having shoes on.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thayer Time

Thayer and I have been enjoying our one on one time in the afternoons now that Linley is in school. He has the most contagious giggle and loves to sing, especially when he thinks no one is listening. I was taking his picture today and he let me the first time and then come the next shot he threw his hand over his face. He proceeded to laugh b/c he thought he had done a pretty good job at hiding from me:) This Winnie the Pooh music book has become the hot item to play with at our house. I believe it's been in hiding for a reason you'd understand better if you were at our house...it plays constantly and of course Thayer has a favorite song as well as Linley.

Linley has yet another bday party to attend this weekend. We are also taking the kids to get their picture taken at a fundraiser. They'll get all dressed up in antique garb (that's what they called it) and then for $10 we get a 10x13 shot in the sepia tone. I pray both kids play along.

I am beginning the application process to 4 dental hygiene program schools and am praying all goes well. I still have 3 classes left to finish up next semester, but can still fill out the neverending admission forms.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Our Flower Girl

Today was Kip's cousin, Amanda's wedding and Linley was her flower girl. We thought she wasn't going to make it, but when we got to the church for pictures she was in awe of the big girls, her problems seemed to disappear. She did such a fantastic job!! Thayer liked the flower basket as well(hence the photo). Both of the kids had their smiles on all night as well as their dancing shoes:) (per video). Linley loved sitting next to Uncle Doug, he let her mix drinks and eat more chocolate kisses! Kip and I had a few drinks and enjoyed ourselves, however we didn't get a dance b/c the kids were toast by 845pm.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Kiddo Time

Monday comes to an end and I'm heading off to play BUNCO with my friend Julie tonight:) Yeah girls night!! Anywho, Linley got some new duds and wanted to show them off...thought she looked pretty cute. She once again took a great picture of Thayer and I.

Lil Bro pushing Big Sis

Sunday after I got off work, the kids and I headed outside to play catch and watch Kip hang the shutters:) Before long it started to rain, so we postponed playing catch. Linley had a great idea in that she could practice riding her Dora bike to get ready for a BIG girl bike. This idea of hers lasted all but 10 minutes and then Thayer realized he wanted in on the action. Once again Linley's little brain is at work and she decides that Thayer can help her learn to ride the bike...which looks hilarious b/c Linley being older should really be the one to teach Thayer to ride. Her brain is constantly turning out new and entertaining ideas. Fortunately Thayer goes along with whatever she says.

We have quite the busy week; Linley's in school everyday, Thayer has his orthopedic appt in KC Wednesday, funeral on Thursday, Linley visits the Bug Zoo on Thursday, Friday is Amanda's dress rehearsal (Linley is the flowergirl), Saturday is Lil Britches and Amanda's wedding/reception, and then finally on Sunday, church and 2 bday parties. Whew. I'm already exhausted and it's only Monday. On top of all of that I have school and Kip and I both work! Yikes, we are all going to be deadbeats come Monday. Happy Monday and I hope everyone has a great week.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Carol's Bday Party

We hosted Carol's bday party on Labor Day and were able to enjoy the fabulous weather and great company. The kids kept us all entertained as well as the guys football fiasco with the neighbor dog. These are just some random shots at the party, no one was up to posing for the camera...guess there was too much good food:) We all ended up being eaten alive by mosquitos but of course didn't realize it til the following morning! Happy Bday Carol.

Fun at Tuttle

Kip took the kids to Tuttle with Uncle Dillon and Jackson for some fun time! The kids had a blast and wore themselves out. Thayer and Jackson spent most of their time playing with a huge bouncy ball. Boys and balls...they seem to go together. School has begun for me and our busy lives are now in full swing. Linley is still loving preschool and has become quite popular with all the kids. She will have her first girl bday party to attend next weekend, and she can hardly wait. KSU football is underway and we are anxious to see how this season pans out.