Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thayer Time

Thayer and I have been enjoying our one on one time in the afternoons now that Linley is in school. He has the most contagious giggle and loves to sing, especially when he thinks no one is listening. I was taking his picture today and he let me the first time and then come the next shot he threw his hand over his face. He proceeded to laugh b/c he thought he had done a pretty good job at hiding from me:) This Winnie the Pooh music book has become the hot item to play with at our house. I believe it's been in hiding for a reason you'd understand better if you were at our plays constantly and of course Thayer has a favorite song as well as Linley.

Linley has yet another bday party to attend this weekend. We are also taking the kids to get their picture taken at a fundraiser. They'll get all dressed up in antique garb (that's what they called it) and then for $10 we get a 10x13 shot in the sepia tone. I pray both kids play along.

I am beginning the application process to 4 dental hygiene program schools and am praying all goes well. I still have 3 classes left to finish up next semester, but can still fill out the neverending admission forms.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hey Jess!! I had no idea you had a blog too!! Aunt Barbara gave me the link...This is great, I love all the pictures and it's great to read and catch up on your life! Linley and Thayer are as cute as ever, hope all is well...can't wait for Grace to meet and play with Linley at the reunion next summer!