Sunday, February 22, 2009

More Cheese Pics

Chuckie Cheese

Last night we headed to Topeka to take the kids to Chuckie Cheese. Our friends, the Dunlaps, kindly invited us to come along with them. It was definately an experience:) The kids filled up on pizza and games and were completely exhausted by the time we got home! More pics to come.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Recent Random Pics

So we have been quite busy at our house, which is why I've been MIA. School has picked up for me, which has been taking up any extra spare time I have. Both kids have been sick and are finally better. Linley turns 4 next Saturday and she is counting down the days. Recently Thayer is into copying everything you say and do...for instance, he now while watching tv he says he needs whatever the commercial is promoting! Boy are we going to be in trouble when he puts it together. This weekend I am volunteering at the KMOM Dental Clinic that is coming to Manhattan and I am super excited. It's not very often that I get to volunteer, but I sure wish I could more.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Kip's 30th in Aggieville

Last night we met some friends in Aggieville and celebrated Kip's 30th bday! We were able to relax and enjoy each other's company w/o interruptions from kiddos. Thank you to all that were able to come out:)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Weekend Getaway

We headed off to spend the weekend in KC Friday afternoon and met my parents and a couple sisters to make the exchange with the kiddos. Thankfully my parents were willing to keep the kids for the weekend, while Kip and I enjoyed an early celebration of his 30th bday. We went out to Dave and Busters with my sister, Ali, her fiance and a girlfriend Friday night and had a really good time. Stayed up entirely too late, but it's not every weekend we don't have the kids! Saturday we headed to a matinee movie, Taken, and a late dinner at Cinzetti's. Unfortunately we called it a day b/c we were entirely too tired from Friday night. Sunday afternoon we met up with my mom and Lauren at On the Border to make the exchange of kiddos once again. They were so excited to see us, but had a fantastic time at Papa and Nana's. We look forward to being able to do this again sometime in the future:) These pics were taken by my Aunt Barbara, the kids totally adore her.