Monday, April 27, 2009

Guys weekend

Kip and Thayer embarked on a camping trip this past Thursday in Mountain Home, AR...a 9 hr drive in the car. They were joined by a few other close family members. Thayer enjoyed throwing rocks in the river, playing football with his uncles, and being with the guys. It looks like they had a great time and are geared up to do it again soon...maybe not 9 hrs in the car:) Linley and I headed to KC for a girls weekend and did some shopping, helped Aunt Ali with wedding invites, explored Deanna Rose, a goose to followed us all the way to my parents house from the park. We had a lot of fun, and it was enjoyable to devote all my time to her. Unfortunately Kip took our digital camera, so I don't have any pics from our trip.

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