Monday, June 1, 2009

I survived...

a weekend full of bridal showers for my 2 sisters and a rather entertaining bachelorette party in KC. Never have I danced so much, drank little (due to eating zero dinner), while seeing my sister do some pretty crazy things! She was quite the trooper and I have to admit the nipple candy tassels were the perfect touch to her bachelorette attire. Linley thoroughly enjoyed all the attention she received from her 4 wonderful aunts. 3 weeks to go before the wedding, so the countdown is officially in full swing.


Sarah said...

Who got to wear the nipple tassels, Ali or Meg? Too funny :) Sounds like it was a wonderful weekend, can't wait to see you all at the wedding!

kjlt_wilsonfam said...

ali, it was her bachelorette party. they are throwing meg's closer to her wedding.