Sunday, July 26, 2009

Yet another Bachelorette Party!!

I was lucky enough to make it to my sister, Meg's bachelorette party yesterday night. The kids and I drove down early morning and made it back for the festivities. Unfortunately I wasn't able to make it out to the bars...trouble putting Thayer to bed. I did enjoy some good drinks, snacks, and quite a bit of laughs:) Meg is the third one of us 5 girls to take the plunge into wedded bliss! Ali's wedding was just last month, which has made for a very busy summer full of weddings. Linley will have become quite seasoned in performing flower girl duties. Thayer and I headed back late this afternoon and left Linley to spend the week helping out my mom and Meg finish the wedding preparations. She was beside herself with excitement and it makes me realize how much she has grown up over this past year.
Mom, Me, Meg(Bride), Lauren, & Ali
Ali & I trying out Maeci's new camera

The 4 sisters minus 1 (Maeci)

Wedding #2

This past Friday I had the pleasure of being a part of Amanda Loeb's wedding. It was a beautiful wedding, and I was lucky to have been asked to be the singer. It's funny because it was the first time Linley and Thayer had heard me sing in a public setting. We finished off our evening with some delicious food, dancing and good conversations. The kids had a blast letting loose on the dance floor and completely wore me out. We did call it an early night though, wedding number 3 for us is this coming weekend! These are a few snapshots of the night.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Funfilled Weekend

We were lucky to have my mom and youngest sister, Maeci, in town this past weekend. On Saturday we traveled to Topeka and enjoyed the day at the North Aquatic Center. It couldn't have been a more perfect day. Unfortunately Linley wasn't in her best mood, but nonetheless the rest of us had fun. Kip, Maeci and I had a blast on the waterslide and even Thayer ventured down. To end our evening, we filled our bellies with some yummy ice cream, pizza and of course pop along with a couple of games. Thanks mom and Maeci for a great weekend!
Thayer(2) watching us head down the slides
Thayer and I in front of the lazy river
Thayer venturing down the pirate slide

Getting sunscreen on
Linley was a little more cautious
Kip, Thayer and I after the waterslide
Little Miss Attitude
Kip and I (gotta luv the shades)
Thayer and Kip

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Dancing Mania

I just hope they stay this sweet with one another:)

4th of July Wilson/Dunlap style

Saturday began with a day in Wamego with our friends the Dunlaps. There were definately plenty of cars at the car show, but only one lone tractor at the tractor show...Thayer was a little disappointed. Fortunately for us the carnival rides were open and it made Linley and Kaden's day. The excitement on their faces was priceless. Thayer on the otherhand was not so enthusiastic and watched. We headed back to Manhattan and finished our night off with fireworks and pizza at the Dunlaps. Once again Linley surpassed our expectations and was completely delighted and beside herself with all of the fireworks. Thayer's only thought was they were loud and noisy. We can only hope next year will be better for him!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Here we come...

Bought: 2 airplane tickets

Destination: Anaheim, CA (Aunt Meg's)

Oh the places we'll go: Disneyland, Orange County beaches!!!

Date: Aug. 13th-17th

It's just a girls vacation, so Linley and I will be traveling with my sister Maeci and are extremely excited.