Friday, September 11, 2009

And so the drama begins...

Kip dropped Linley off at school today and unfortunately it didn't go as it should have. Tears and more tears were all Kip got; after 30 min she still had not calmed down. Fortunately I was home putting Thayer down for his nap, b/c I would have just brought her home. Kip and I thought this would happen this year, due to the fact that she is the only returning student in her class and one of the older ones; we just hadn't prepared for it to be this early in the year. Thankfully her teachers are wonderful and understanding. I pray that we can all work together and help her get through this rough patch b/c otherwise it will be one long school year!

1 comment:

The Dunlap Fam said...

Hang in there Linley! You can do it. One more year and you and Kaden will be in Kindergarten!