Friday, October 23, 2009

Dressing up is fun to do!

Superhero's to the Rescue...

I took the kids trick or treating in Aggieville tonight and boy did they make out with a huge stash. Kip met up with us just in time to watch the Homecoming parade and enjoy Chipotle afterwards. This week KSU has had Homecoming festivities going on and will end tomorrow with the home game against Colorado. We will be attending the game and hope the kids make it without getting too wiggly.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Waddell and Reed

A few months back I was asked to be part of a marathon relay team. For those of you who don't know I ran a half marathon a year after Thayer was born and it wreaked havoc on my body. Thus I had not been running much and found other ways to incorporate cardio in my workout routine. I was nervous about committing to run a leg for the relay but I also thought this would be my chance to see if my body could take running again. After weeks of training and slowly getting back into running, I felt really good about this race. Friday afternoon we left for KC and graciously my sister offered up her house for us to stay in:) A dinner at Macaroni Grill and crazy conversations with the girls and we were all geared up for a great race Sat. morning. The weather was perfect, a little chilly but little wind and no rain. Our team ran amazing and came in with a time of 3:33. We finished 7th out of 107 teams and I was so grateful these gals took a chance on me and allowed me to be part of their was awesome!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Aunt Lauren's Bday!

While we were in Fort Scott we also helped my sister Lauren celebrate her bday with some delicious food and cake. We are so fortunate that most of our family lives nearby and the kids are close to their aunts and uncles. Happy 20th Lauren!

Pumpkin Patch

We made the trip down to visit my family. While we were in Fort Scott we took the kids to a local pumpkin patch and came back with 4 pumpkins to carve. The kids enjoyed themselves in the bounce house, corn crib, corn maze as well as taking a ride on a mini tractor train. It was a perfect day out Saturday and KSU ended up with a win!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Change in our house.

We purchased a bunk bed for the kids off craigslist this past week. It has been the best purchase. We let them each pick out their own bedspread along with wall stickers that help make the space their own. They had a blast putting the stickers up and both slept in their own bunk all night long!! Pictures to come soon. I have to admit I slept with one ear open due to Linley having the upper bunk, but we pretty much barracaded her with pillows. For any of you parents that are debating whether or not to purchase a set of bunk beds, it was the best decision on our end!