Friday, October 2, 2009

Change in our house.

We purchased a bunk bed for the kids off craigslist this past week. It has been the best purchase. We let them each pick out their own bedspread along with wall stickers that help make the space their own. They had a blast putting the stickers up and both slept in their own bunk all night long!! Pictures to come soon. I have to admit I slept with one ear open due to Linley having the upper bunk, but we pretty much barracaded her with pillows. For any of you parents that are debating whether or not to purchase a set of bunk beds, it was the best decision on our end!

1 comment:

Megan Malone said...

YAY!!!!!!!! Glad to hear it went well. Please post pics SOON! Its killing me not seeing my L & T. Miss you all TONS! It seems like a year has gone by since you visited. Have the little ones call me :)