Sunday, January 31, 2010

Future Classy Cat?

Rehearsal at the Rec Complex

My parents and a couple of my sisters made the trip to Manhattan this weekend to watch Linley perform with the Classy Cats at the Women's BBall halftime show. Despite her nasty cold she was quite the performer and we enjoyed cheering her on. Maybe someday she'll actually be a KSU Classy Cat??

On a side note Thayer was pretty upset he didn't get to perform with Linley and has informed us that he is going to play football instead...thank goodness:)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Mr. GQ

Dressed and ready for church.
Thayer has turned into quite the flirt. He has a ridiculous infatuation with one of my workout DVDs that has a very attractive young gal on the cover. Apparently it's his, which he informed me of, and he needs to carry it around the all times. Where did my sweet little boy go? Oh, there are also the times when he'll go through my fitness and apparel magazines I get and pick out girls he likes. This is definately too early, right? Kip of course being a guy thinks it's great and gets quite a kick out of this. I on the other hand am not ready for my baby to be looking at the opposite sex in this manner. I do know one thing, he likes older women:)

Pretty Princesses

are just what these 2 cuties are. Linley had a playdate last week with her good friend, Taryn, and of course the dress-up clothes came out. They had a fantastic time and even allowed Thayer to play along...that is til he started antagonizing them.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Getaway Weekend

Saturday Kip and I dropped the kids off at his mom's and headed to KC for a night out with some of our good friends, the Taylor's. We ate at a delicious mexican restaurant, laughed our bellies off at the comedy club, and rounded out the night sharing a few shots. Rarely do we get a night out without the kids so this was a very nice treat and to enjoy it with some great friends made it all the better. Sunday we of course did some shopping at the Legends and then picked up the kids in Topeka. We are already looking forward to planning another night out!
Kip and I (we were feeling pretty good)
The Taylor's(Shandy and Tim)
Kip and Tim
Shot time...not my favorite it tasted like a redhot

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy 6 yrs!

Engagement photo
With our parents after the ceremony

6 yrs ago today Kip and I exchanged vows overlooking the ocean on the Cayman Islands. The weather was much more enjoyable than our latest KS weather:) We have bought 2 homes, produced 2 beautiful children, traded off parental duties, endured some ups and downs and I have to admit we've done a pretty darn good job. I can't wait to see what the next 6 yrs has in store for us.

Quick trip to KC

Waiting for their cars to drop in the box
Selecting the perfect race car
Cuddling with Aunt Meg and Blizzard(foster cat)

Friday the kids and I drove to KC to visit my sister Megan and her husband. The weather still wasn't the greatest but the kids were troopers. We had a wonderful time watching "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs", playing Yahtzee, filling our bellies with Panera and of course sharing some laughs. Thayer kept calling Megan, Aunt Ali(which is one of my other sisters) the entire time...Linley politely corrected him and he would just giggle. They enjoyed playing with the cat my sister found in her parking lot on one of the snowy's since been dropped off at the animal shelter. Saturday we headed over to pick up my sister Ali that also lives in KC with her husband. All of us took yummy PeiWei over to my grandparents and caught up with them. They live in an assisted living facility, which is very nice, in Olathe. In their lobby there was a race ramp for anyone to use, Thayer was beyond ecstatic. Linley took Gigi's advice and picked the blue car and won every time. My parents showed up while we were visiting my grandparents, so we were able to see them as well. It was a great 2day trip to KC and the kids were not ready to head home. We are very fortunate to have family so close to us...sometimes we wish they lived nearby rather than 2-3hrs away. Maybe someday...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas comes to an end.

Christmas came to an end last Sunday for us. All in all we had a great Christmas and were fortunate to spend it with all of our family, regardless of the weather. Now if the weather would stop thinking it's still Christmas and warm up already!
Kip and I at the Walker's
Linley being silly for the camera

Thayer has got his smile down