Saturday, August 28, 2010

Kindergarten, PreK and Changes.

School is in full swing at our house. Both Linley and Thayer started this past Tuesday with just a half day. The transition went better than either of us anticipated. Linley is loving Kindergarten even though she is there all day. She was more hesitant than Thayer the first day but has warmed up tremendously. Thankfully eating lunch at school and meeting new friends were her only concerns, which she has adjusted to both very well. She loves her teacher and the kids in her class.

Thayer is attending Linley's old preschool and loves every minute. He is more of our shy one and we were a bit concerned at how well he would do being dropped off. Fortunately it's no problem whatsoever. His teachers are great as well. The challenge has proved for Kip and I with the drop off; both Linley and Thayer start at the same time.

We look forward to watching both kids establish new friendships, engage in new experiences, and make memories this school year!

On a side note, our house has been saddened with the recent loss of Kip's grandma. Along with the transition of school, we have had to adjust to losing a great woman. Every week the kids visited her and loved the time they got to spend at her apartment...their many trips to Ray's for something sweet, new toys from Mr. P's or just a fun game of hide-n-seek. We will truly miss her and were not ready to let her go. Thank you to all of our friends and family for your support and comforting words during this hard time for our family.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Introducing...Paxton Bradley

Last Friday the kids and I made the drive down to Pittsburg for the birth of my nephew. My sister Lauren went in for her induction Friday and Paxton came Saturday afternoon. Linley and Thayer were in love and didn't want to give him back to Aunt Lauren...I think they are going to be great cousins! Fortunately he has been a very laid back and easy baby for my sister. We weren't able to stay long for our visit due to school starting up for me Monday morning but we are all looking forward to seeing him again soon. Megan, my other prego sister will be having her baby in a few weeks...such exciting times right now for my sisters and I wish them the best. Motherhood is an amazing gift God gives.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Picnic and Fishing.

Saturday night we headed out to Anneberg for a picnic and some fishing with Kip's family. The kids were more patient than any of us anticipated, but neither Linley or Thayer caught a fish. I on the otherhand caught the smallest fish possible and have no pictures to show for on my camera. Linley got a kick out of baiting the fishing rods as well as helping me throw back the fish I caught. Thayer couldn't have been more in his element; sitting in the Dora lawn chair while holding his fishing rod. Kip and his brothers played a friendly yet competitive game of washers while the rest of us fished. The kids ended the night throwing rocks into the pond, stressing Kip's mom out in fear of one of them falling in:) Linley's response:" It's fine grandma I know how to swim." Although she asked numerous times if there were sharks in the's been shark week on the Discovery channel all week.

On a side note, both of my sisters are very close to having their babies and we are extremely excited to meet them both. I am also on my final week at Little Apple Pediatric Dentistry and am finding myself sad to go. God has blessed me with an amazing group of coworkers/boss and I have loved every minute working there.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Things are going to be changing in our household come Aug. 16th. School officially begins for me, it's going to be a challenging and full next 2 years...but in the end well worth it all. Excited does not even come close to describing my feelings. I will be leaving a great job and missing everyone I work with, which is the one thing I am a bit uneasy about. Kip and I have been trying to prepare the kids for what's to come...Linley is probably going to have the hardest time adjusting due to her starting a new chapter in her life.KINDERGARTEN. So I will apologize now for my soon to come lack of postings, not sure I will be as concerned with our blog once school starts instead I'll be seeing TEETH in all that I do:)