Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Family fun update.

I have once again let time get away from me and neglected our blog. Our house has been in full swing of school stuff which doesn't allow me much time for anything extra. I am slacking in just posting the pictures from our various outings with the kids...I wish I had time to go into detail about each one. We took the kids camping out to Tuttle and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, then we hit up the pumpkin patch in Louisburg with my parents(yummy doughnuts!), Thayer got to ride on a real 3wheeler at Uncle Dustin's, got some Pax and Londyn time, and then just recently watched Linley's school Halloween parade! On top of our family things, I've been doing stuff with my dental hygiene classmates...only 6 more weeks left til break!

1 comment:

The Dunlap Fam said...

Lots of good pictures! We miss you and hope we get to see you soon!!!!