Sunday, November 28, 2010

'Tis the season.

Once again I have no new pictures to post. I've been using our 35mm camera instead of my digital due to Kip needing it for work which leaves it not readily available for me. We have been busy once again with family gatherings and enjoying every minute. I was fortunate to have an entire week off from school which allowed me some time to play "mom" again. Of course I still had schoolwork to keep me somewhat busy, but was able to keep my attention focused on the kids and Kip. I'm looking forward to our long Christmas break, which is only 3 weeks away!!
We've had our first round of sickness go through our house...luckily it involved only Linley. She came home with strep throat and had to miss out on the field trip my hygiene class had for her class. Kip and the kiddos have been fighting the sinus junk, but we're keeping our fingers crossed...or rather clean so we keep the flu bugs away! Our Thanksgiving was quick but full of family and fun. We had 3 rounds this year and I had an extra one with my class at school...Thayer of course only ate dessert and corn casserole if it was offered(and carrots). Haven't quite figured his eating habits out yet. I'll try to post some pics soon, the kids are growing like weeds.

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