Thursday, July 21, 2011

Kessly Briar Wilson.

Our lives forever changed on July 19, 2011 at 2:28pm! The newest addition to our family finally decided to join us without being induced!! She weighed in at 7lb 5oz and 20.5in long. I couldn't have asked for a better delivery experience either. She has fit in so well already and it's only been 2 days. Here are a couple of pictures of her going home from the hospital sporting her adorable headband her Aunt Meg made for her...unfortunately she's got a small head so we had to improvise and make it a tad smaller.

Linley and Thayer have been so good at being patient and taking turns holding her...they do such an awesome job at making sure she's taken care of:)
I definately won't be short on helpers once family leaves!

Sunday, July 17, 2011


The time is officially come when our family of four will become five. I honestly can't quite get over the realization that it's been 9 months since we found out we were going to be expanding our family. Time has gone by quicker than I believe either of us expected it to especially with her arrival soon approaching in less than 72 hours thanks to a scheduled induction. I have found myself wondering what our life is going to be like....full of diaper changing, sleepless nights, juggling school & housework, meal prepping, exercising, etc. It all sounds overwhelming at the moment but I know GOD only gives us what we can handle and apparently he has a great faith in both Kip and I.

So sometime after 7am Wednesday July 20, 2011 Kessly Briar will enter our lives and forever change our life as well as forever being loved by so many who are anxiously awaiting her arrival.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July and then some...

Wrestling in the Voos' yard...end result=chigger bites
Linley teaching Indie "Patty Cake": she's gonna be a great big Sis
Anxiously waiting for Thunder over Manhattan to begin
Thayer (4) & Linley (6)
Photo courtesy of Linley:)
We spent the 4th at Cico pools free swim til 3:45 and then headed home to relax before the firework festivities. The Voos' invited us to their party which is full of yummy food and good they have great seats to watch the firework show at Cico. Both kids caught lightning bugs, played tag, entertained Indie....basically wore themselves out prior to the start of the show. Thayer of course passed out on the blanket halfway through and Linley kept saying "this is so AWWesome". That's her new favorite saying at the moment!
Baby girl is staying put for the time being...however we have made some progress which only means we are getting closer to her actual arrival.
All of us are beyond excited and ready for her to join our family...the kids especially;) If she doesn't decide to come prior to her due date, I will be induced July 22nd; thanks to Thayer being such a big baby.
Thayer and I are getting used to our days without Linley now that she started her summer camp. Looks like we will still be spending most of them at the pool or park, til baby arrives. That's about all that's going on in our household at the moment...plenty to keep us busy that's for sure.
Hoping everyone had a safe and fabulous holiday weekend!!