Saturday, January 14, 2012

Christmas 2011

Our Christmas this year was completely jam packed into 3 days. This year we were able to celebrate at home and still be with all of our family. We started off Christmas Eve with our church service then headed to Kip's moms for dinner and visiting. Christmas morning Santa came and the kids were ecstatic, even Kessly. After opening all their gifts from Kip and I, we collectively got ready and headed back out to his moms for gift opening at her place. Dinner we spent with his dad and opened up our gifts from him. We didn't return home til after 9pm and all of us were beyond exhausted, but it was definately a fun filled day. The following morning we headed off to KC for Christmas with my family at my sisters place. Due to the kids and I heading back to Fort Scott after, Kip drove separately and it was a very long drive. Weather was a bit dicey and what should have been an hour and a half drive turned into a 2 hr drive which is not feasible with a 5 mo old that hates her carseat. Regardless we made it safe and sound and had an enjoyable time at my sisters. Here's some pics from our Christmas days!!!!!

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