Monday, October 27, 2008

Zoo Spooktacular

Family Photo after the zoo
Linley/black cat

Linley, Thayer and I

Linley, Thayer, and Kip

Sunday we took the kids in the costumes to the Spooktacular at our zoo. It was extremely windy but the kids got some good candy and got to see some animals. Unfortunately I am fighting off a sinus infection and was not feeling too whoopy. Willie the Wildcat was there and Thayer gave him a high five...Linley on the otherhand made a beeline as far around Willie as possible. Kip and I finally saw a movie later on in the afternoon. I think it's been well over 2 months since we had been to the theater. The kids had fun playing out at Kip's dads house with their Grandpa and Uncle Doug! We had a busy but fun weekend.

1 comment:

B's Buzz said...

I loved the party guys! Thanks so much for having us and sorry we had to leave so early!

Julie and B