Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Party

Saturday morning I retook the ACT, since it's been over 10 years. I'm pretty sure I was the oldest person in the room:) The proctor even did a double take when she picked up my test booklet that had my date of birth on it. Afterwards Kip, the kids, and I all started preparing for our Halloween party we were having later on. Linley and I were mostly in the kitchen prepping the food, although she always managed to find something else to do! I did get her to help pick up and clean the mirrors. Kip ran my errands and cleaned up the yard, all while Thayer took a fabulous nap.
We ended up getting it all pulled together just in time and had a fantastic night with our friends and their kids. Even though our house is on the small side it definately was doable. We had great food, wonderful company, and well behaved kids...what more could you ask for. We will definately have to have an adult party sometime soon, minus the kids. These are just a few pics that I was able to snap.

1 comment:

The Dunlap Fam said...

Very good pictures =) We had so much fun last night!!! Thanks for having the party.