Monday, December 1, 2008

The fun never stops...

We had some crazy fun at my parents house over Thanksgiving. The kids couldn't get enough of all of my sisters. They adore each of them and it amazes me already how their relationship with each one is different. Linley got to play barbie's with her new fav great uncle John...she also learned some creative new names for her barbie's:) Even after a full week at my parent's house we already miss them:( We definitely stuffed ourselves silly and poor Kip got what I had last week. Thayer and Linley were able to decorate a gingerbread house with the help of Aunt Ali, Aunt Maeci, and Nana. Unfortunately, Linley's attempt at drinking hot chocolate didn't go too ended up all on the kitchen floor. Maybe we should stick to plastic mugs. Unfortunately when we left Saturday, they admitted my grandpa to the hospital, so we are praying and wishing him a quick recovery. I believe that catches us up as to what we've been up to. Next on our list is decorating our mini tree and getting lights up, that is when the weather cooperates. Ugh, I am not looking forward to shopping this year for Christmas. Here are some pics from our trip!

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