Sunday, October 18, 2009

Waddell and Reed

A few months back I was asked to be part of a marathon relay team. For those of you who don't know I ran a half marathon a year after Thayer was born and it wreaked havoc on my body. Thus I had not been running much and found other ways to incorporate cardio in my workout routine. I was nervous about committing to run a leg for the relay but I also thought this would be my chance to see if my body could take running again. After weeks of training and slowly getting back into running, I felt really good about this race. Friday afternoon we left for KC and graciously my sister offered up her house for us to stay in:) A dinner at Macaroni Grill and crazy conversations with the girls and we were all geared up for a great race Sat. morning. The weather was perfect, a little chilly but little wind and no rain. Our team ran amazing and came in with a time of 3:33. We finished 7th out of 107 teams and I was so grateful these gals took a chance on me and allowed me to be part of their was awesome!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

that's awesome Jess!! way to go!