Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

This year we had 3 Thanksgiving dinners to attend and our first stop was Fort Scott with my family. The kids thoroughly enjoyed playing with the baby kittens, Ava and Sadie(dogs), playing hide and seek with their Aunt Maeci, and spending time with Papa and Nana. My mom, 2 of my sisters and I braved Walmart on black Friday. Thankfully we got a start on our Christmas shopping but we've got a ways to go before we are finished. Saturday we headed back for Thanksgiving dinner #2 with Kip's mom and family. Finally today we finished Thanksgiving dinner #3 with his dad's family. Even though I am beyond full of turkey, side dishes and dessert, we are very fortunate to be surrounded by family that we can spend the holidays with. The pictures are just a snapshot of our wonderful weekend.

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