Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Unexpected surprise.

After feeling sick and tired over Thanksgiving break, I just couldn't put my finger on what was going on with me. Listening to a few of my pregnant gals over the break, gave me the only idea that I was possibly pregnant!! I couldn't be though...I have school, little time, we weren't planning on adding to our family. Little do our rationale have anything to do with God's miracles and plans for us. I mustered up the courage, took the test and about died from shock. I was indeed pregnant!! We figured out that I'm about 7 weeks and will be due around the time my sister Ali...just 5 weeks later in July. The kids are super excited and I even think Kip is as well:) I'm still in shock and am not sure when this will sink in; probably over break. So that's our unexpected surprise...BABY #3!!

1 comment:

JMLB said...

Congrats!!! I too was shocked when my mom called with the news! We are so excited for you!! What is your due date? We are due July 10th!!! Congrats again!

Meghanne Wetta