Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Picture Day

Tuesday was picture day for Linley at preschool and it was also when I decided to go ahead and cut Thayer's hair off. Linley really wanted to wear a dress...big surprise:) Unfortunately the weather wasn't as warm as she would have liked, so we compromised and wore jeans instead of itchy tights. As for Thayer's new do, last week I had 3 separate incidents where people mistook him for a girl!! Nevermind the fact that he was wearing a monster truck shirt at the time and Linley was sporting a dress as usual. So, after nap I took him to a girl I go to when Ali isn't free and she cut it all off. The amount of hair on the floor afterwards looked like I had gotten my hair trimmed as well. His new do makes him look so much older than just 18 months. Oh well, my baby isn't a baby anymore...I'm not sure he ever was at the rate he grew.

My parents and Maeci visited us last weekend and took the kids to the zoo, while Kip and I made a visit to UMKC's dental hygiene program. The kids had a blast and are already counting down the days until nana and papa come back! I really liked the school, just not the price tag for their program. Now comes the waiting game part, which I'm not very good at.


The Dunlap Fam said...

I love Thayers haircut. He does look very grown up now. Will you have to move if you go to this new school?

kjlt_wilsonfam said...

yes. unfortunately we won't find anything out until may or june.