Sunday, August 2, 2009

Wedding #3

My sister, Megan, got married this past Saturday in my hometown of Fort Scott. Linley and Thayer were once again ringbearer and flowergirl...they exceeded all of our expectations and were absolutely adorable walking together. Kip and I were able to enjoy ourselves immensely and the kiddos danced the night away(literally). We are completely exhausted, but it was all worth it. The wedding was beautiful and I am thrilled to say we only have one more wedding to attend this summer!! In less than 2 weeks Linley, my sister Maeci, and I will be flying to Cali to visit Megan and her husband Adam. Disneyland better watch out:)
Thayer and I

Lauren, me, and Ali
Megan, Linley and Thayer
Kip and I
My beautiful kids

Rehearsal gifts
Thayer and his beloved ball glove

1 comment:

The Dunlap Fam said...

Jessica - you and all of your sisters are beautiful!! Linely and Thayer are adorable too! The perfect pair =)