Saturday, November 21, 2009

" I don't want to be a big boy."

Recently we started trying potty training again with Thayer and this is a conversation we had.

Me-"Thayer, don't you want to try going on your soccer potty?"( trying to convince him)
Thayer-"No mom, I don't want to."
Me-"If you do you can wear underwear like Linley, Mommy and Daddy."( still trying)
Thayer-"I said I don't want to."(not going as I had planned)
Linley-"Don't you want to be a big boy like Daddy?"(she thinks she can do better than I can)
Thayer-"No, I'm not a big boy."( he's still not buying the coolness of using the toilet)
Thayer-"Mommy, why don't Daddy wear diapers?'
Me-"Because...they don't make diapers that big."(such a white lie, but this kiddo is working every corner)
Linley-"Daddy would look silly in diapers:)"( I'm beginning to lose it)
Thayer-"I don't want to be a big boy!" (stomps off and I lose...this battle is yet to be over)


Megan Malone said...

its so cute how grown up he acts in his conversations. too cute! and linley....keep trying!!! :)

The Dunlap Fam said...

This is a funny conversation. He will eventually decide for himself that he wants to do it....just keep working on him. Kaden was about 2 1/2 when he decided that he wanted to and there was no looking back after that!