Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Goodbye Diapers...Hello Briefs:)

This past week I had been home more than normal due to our office being closed, which sparked me to push the potty training with Thayer. Well after 4 days he is officially out of diapers!! I did not think I would ever get this excited about potty training, but the relief of not having to carry extras or making late night runs to the grocery store for diapers...makes me smile. Oh and the fact that we'll be saving money. I have to admit I am a wee bit sad, my baby is no longer a baby anymore. Guess I'll just have to hold out on my 2 younger sisters to fill my baby void.

1 comment:

Megan Malone said...

holding out on us huh??....well... you might be waiting for a while :) YAY for Thayer though! Maybe he'll have something new in his stocking now! He's the cutest big boy ever!